Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Benjamin franklin essays

Benjamin franklin essays

The First Amendment Encyclopedia,The Benjamin Franklin

WebArticles and Essays. Timeline A chronology of key events in the life of Benjamin Franklin (), statesman, publisher, scientist, and diplomat. Provenance of the Benjamin Franklin Papers How did Benjamin Franklin's papers come to the Library of WebThe Papers ofBenjamin Franklin Sponsored byThe American Philosophical Societyand Yale University Digital Edition byThe Packard Humanities Institute I agree to use this web site WebJan 4,  · The “immediate occasion” for writing this essay, according to Van Doren,6 was the British Iron Act of , which prohibited the erection of WebNov 19,  · Benjamin Franklin was as famous as any president, but yet never elected to public office. He was one of the nation’s revolutionary founding fathers WebBenjamin Franklin, a man of many talents, helped shape the U.S. Constitution and was a lifetime champion of First Amendment freedoms, particularly freedom of the press ... read more

He had a deep interest in philosophy. He was also elected as the first President of the American Philosophical Society. He started his experiments in this society about the electricity. He got retired from the printing press in In he gave his suggestion for experiment of electricity in lightening. In his political career he became a councilman in in Philadelphia and in he was elected as the Justice of Peace in Philadelphia. He was appointed as the deputy postmaster general in He was elected as chief of a delegation to Albany Congress. He was sent to England to protest against Penn family in There were attacks on his character during this period and so he lost his assembly election in In when he reached England, King George III sent him back to Pennsylvania as the agent for the colony.

He also became agent of Georgia, New Jersey and Massachusetts colonies also. He opposed the Stamp Act in London and later Townshend Acts of ends his wishes for working for English Government. He was a man with zeal and passion to work and to oppose also. So when he watched the disgusting acts of the English Government, he opposed them severely. This showed his character for freedom against the oppression. The Franklin came back to Philadelphia where the American Revolution had started. The Pennsylvania Assembly had selected the Benjamin Franklin as delegate for the Second Continental Congress. He was a member of committee which drafted the Declaration of Independence of America in The Franklin devoted himself as a leader in the American Revolution for the independence of his nation.

He coordinated with great Thomas Jefferson and made many changes in the drafts proposed by the Thomas Jefferson. He was an Ambassador to France from and became the commissioner for the United States. He lived in the France up to He was very famous personalities in France as many people buy his paintings. He, when, returned to the America back then he received an honor as he was placed just below the George Washington. He became an abolitionist in America after He worked in many fields for welfare of the people also. He donated Pound for the development of Franklin Collage. He also finished his autobiography during this period of to His political career went to the peak when he was elected as the President of the Pennsylvania in He was the President for just three years.

Thus this was the end of his political career. He worked as the President to work for the people and for the welfare of the country. He thus was very famous and respected among the people. When he was President, the people felt relaxation and were content. He, during his office duration worked with many great people or politician like Thomas Jefferson, George Washington etc. Many famous writers like Thomas Paine wrote about him and admired him for his qualities. The Benjamin Franklin was a most important character in the history of America whether it was related to science or politics or development also.

The Benjamin Franklin through out his life work for the America and just remained a part of American politics up to his death. His death was termed as great loss to politics in America. He advocated the republicanism of his country in his life. He advocated this concept widely. He thought that his country when became a republic could remain when the people would attentive for their social rights and their duties. The person with a deed and character was known as Benjamin Franklin. He worked in the American Revolution for the freedom of the America from colonialism of England. He fought against the English Empire although he had worked for them.

But he had a great love for his country. He had worked as the politician through out his life and became the President of Pennsylvania for the benefit and safety of his state. He was a very wise man and had rebellion character also. He strongly opposed the English Government for Stamp Act and Townshend Act in England. He worked in many committees as the delegates to explore the new political ideas. Even he was in the committee known as Committee of Five for drafting the Declaration of Independence which was comprised of Thomas Jefferson. He was also rewarded as the second person to George Washington in his time which was a great political honor. This honor was given to him as he was hero in American Revolution.

There were many myths prevailed about Benjamin Franklin as he was a great character. Some of them were true and some of them never had been proved by the people. One of the myths was that the Benjamin Franklin was a womanizer when he was residing in France as the Ambassador from America. He had thirteen children which were not legal. It was a myth that he had an illegal relation with a French woman. But it was termed to be a fake as no historian or any other captured any note about this relation. Although he had many woman friends associated with him like Catherine Shipley which was only eleven year old when she came in contact with Benjamin Franklin. He was very lovable character in women. But there were no proof that he had gone with any illegal relations with these women.

But he had academic, brave and scholar relations with them. The Benjamin Franklin was wise men who devoted his time and indulged himself completely to make a new and constructive America. Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the powerful President during the Second World War, was a handsome and magnetic figure. He was the only President, who was elected for the fourth time in America. His inspiring leadership, his diplomatic maneuvers, his New Deal and farsighted policies made him one of the most popular Presidents of America. When the long ailing President died, it is believed that the entire free world mourned his death. Lyndon B. Johnson was Vice President under Kennedy and succeeded him when Kennedy was assassinated.

Even though he was never as popular as his charismatic predecessor, he won with the widest margin, only to be unpopular in Vietnam War embroilment. Franklin and Adams belonged to the 18th century when America was going through the turbulent days of colonialism and then, the uncertain independence. It was necessary to shape the conscience of the nation, mainly because, till then, Americans were looked down upon by the world as a nation of criminals escaping from punishment. Their wars against Native Americans have not made them exactly popular. Under the circumstances, both have rendered yeomen service. Enough cannot be said about this man, I will touch on his early life, education, politics and his achievements.

One of the most well-known historical figures ever, Benjamin Franklin has greatly helped and contributed to American history. His creativeness and intelligence goes beyond compare. He has invented and sacrificed much for. Have you ever heard about Benjamin Franklin? He was a very important person during the He discovered and studied many different things during his lifetime. These are the two main things such as a scientist and a president. As a scientist Benjamin franklin discovered electricity. He was born on January the 17 in the old south meeting house which is located on milk street. He was also baptized that same day at the old south. Benjamin Franklin was born on Milk Street in Boston on January 17th, His father was Josiah Franklin, a candle and soap maker.

His mother was Abiah Folger and she was Josiah's second wife. Benjamin Franklin was the youngest son of 17 children. Benjamin attended Boston Latin School for two years but did not graduate because of lack of money; however he continued his education by reading great quantities. His parents wanted him to go into the church, however at age 10 his schooling ended and he. Susanna Dey 19 November Benjamin Franklin Say the name Benjamin Franklin and you may picture a chubby man with spectacles holding a kite during a lightening storm. Perhaps you picture him a older man with spectacles propped up on his nose standing in a great room full of distinguished gentlemen signing the Declaration of Independence. Both of these facts about Benjamin Franklin's life would be true.

However, there was so much more to Mr. He was a diplomat, a statesman. Satire is the strongest tool of revealing the truth. But it becomes sharper in the hands of very clever people or genius such as Benjamin Franklin. Taking into consideration literature analysis, satire is a very strong and sharp display of comic art, which is based on a humiliating rebuke of poetic phenomena using different comic funds such as irony, sarcasm. Satire is both a literary genre and a particular technique that ridicules or condemns individuals or society for having a lower standard of. Franklin was a Founding Father, an inventor, a scientist, a polymath, a politician, a printer, and wore numerous other hats.

In January of the future of America was changed forever with the birth of Benjamin Franklin. Born in Boston, Massachusetts Ben was the son of Josiah Franklin and Abiah Folger, Ben was the youngest son of 17 children. Josiah was a soap maker and he wanted Benjamin to enter the clergy. Ben went to South Grammar School where he excelled, he even skipped a grade. Unfortunately with such a large family, Josiah was unable to afford the education that it took to become a clergyman. Ben only had the. Benjamin Franklin was a man of many different labels, some were desirable but some were detrimental. He was known for things such as the creator of the lightning rod, the Franklin Stove, and also the Bifocals.

People saw him as an essential politician and a leading activist in the development of the Declaration of Independence, and U. S Constitution. But Franklin sorta had a. Benjamin Franklin had quite a few women in his life. He had his wife, daughter, and women he would pick up when traveling. He was intrigued by the stereotypes that were portrayed on the role of women in society. His women ranged in age, but he advised those to choose older because older women are.

Printed in [William Clarke], Observations On the late and present Conduct of the French, with Regard to their Encroachments upon the British Colonies in North America. Boston: Printed and Sold by S. Kneeland in Queen-Street. Yale University Library. Franklin wrote the essay in Franklin included it in the fourth edition of his Experiments and Observations on Electricity , Adam Smith is known to have had two copies of the essay in his library. For People increase in Proportion to the Number of Marriages, and that is greater in Proportion to the Ease and Convenience of supporting a Family. When Families can be easily supported, more Persons marry, and earlier in Life. hence Cities do not by natural Generation supply themselves with Inhabitants; the Deaths are more than the Births.

In Countries full settled, the Case must be nearly the same; all Lands being occupied and improved to the Heighth: those who cannot get Land, must Labour for others that have it; when Labourers are plenty, their Wages will be low; by low Wages a Family is supported with Difficulty; this Difficulty deters many from Marriage, who therefore long continue Servants and single. and therefore cannot now much increase in People: America is chiefly occupied by Indians, who subsist mostly by Hunting. Land being thus plenty in America, and so cheap as that a labouring Man, that understands Husbandry, can in a short Time save Money enough to purchase a Piece of new Land sufficient for a Plantation, whereon he may subsist a Family; such are not afraid to marry; for if they even look far enough forward to consider how their Children when grown up are to be provided for, they see that more Land is to be had at Rates equally easy, all Circumstances considered.

Hence Marriages in America are more general, and more generally early, than in Europe. And if it is reckoned there, that there is but one Marriage per Annum among Persons, perhaps we may here reckon two; and if in Europe they have but 4 Births to a Marriage many of their Marriages being late we may here reckon 8, of which if one half grow up, and our Marriages are made, reckoning one with another at 20 Years of Age, our People must at least be doubled every 20 Years. is too remote to require the Attention of Great-Britain. A wise and good Mother will not do it. To distress, is to weaken, and weakening the Children, weakens the whole Family.

Besides if the Manufactures of Britain by Reason of the American Demands should rise too high in Price, Foreigners who can sell cheaper will drive her Merchants out of Foreign Markets; Foreign Manufactures will thereby be encouraged and increased, and consequently foreign Nations, perhaps her Rivals in Power, grow more populous and more powerful; while her own Colonies, kept too low, are unable to assist her, or add to her Strength. The Labour of Slaves can never be so cheap here as the Labour of working Men is in Britain. Any one may compute it. Interest of Money is in the Colonies from 6 to 10 per Cent.

Slaves one with another cost £30 Sterling per Head. Reckon then the Interest of the first Purchase of a Slave, the Insurance or Risque on his Life, his Cloathing and Diet, Expences in his Sickness and Loss of Time, Loss by his Neglect of Business Neglect is natural to the Man who is not to be benefited by his own Care or Diligence , Expence of a Driver to keep him at Work, and his Pilfering from Time to Time, almost every Slave being by Nature 9 a Thief, and compare the whole Amount with the Wages of a Manufacturer of Iron or Wool in England, you will see that Labour is much cheaper there than it ever can be by Negroes here.

Why then will Americans purchase Slaves? Because Slaves may be kept as long as a Man pleases, or has Occasion for their Labour; while hired Men are continually leaving their Master often in the midst of his Business, and setting up for themselves. As the Increase of People depends on the Encouragement of Marriages, the following Things must diminish a Nation, viz. The being conquered; for the Conquerors will engross as many Offices, and exact as much Tribute or Profit on the Labour of the conquered, as will maintain them in their new Establishment, and this diminishing the Subsistence of the Natives discourages their Marriages, and so gradually diminishes them, while the Foreigners increase.

Loss of Territory. And were the English now driven into Wales by some foreign Nation, there would in a few Years be no more Englishmen in Britain, than there are now People in Wales. Loss of Trade. Manufactures exported, draw Subsistence from Foreign Countries for Numbers; who are thereby enabled to marry and raise Families. Loss of Food. Suppose a Nation has a Fishery, which not only employs great Numbers, but makes the Food and Subsistence of the People cheaper; If another Nation becomes Master of the Seas, and prevents the Fishery, the People will diminish in Proportion as the Loss of Employ, and Dearness of Provision, makes it more difficult to subsist a Family.

Bad Government and insecure Property. So heavy Taxes tend to diminish a People. The Introduction of Slaves. The Northern Colonies having few Slaves increase in Whites. Slaves also pejorate the Families that use them; the white Children become proud, disgusted with Labour, and being educated in Idleness, are rendered unfit to get a Living by Industry. and the Man that invents new Trades, Arts or Manufactures, or new Improvements in Husbandry, may be properly called Fathers of their Nation, as they are the Cause of the Generation of Multitudes, by the Encouragement they afford to Marriage. As to Privileges granted to the married, such as the Jus trium Liberorum 1 among the Romans , they may hasten the filling of a Country that has been thinned by War or Pestilence, or that has otherwise vacant Territory; but cannot increase a People beyond the Means provided for their Subsistence.

Foreign Luxuries and needless Manufactures imported and used in a Nation, do, by the same Reasoning, increase the People of the Nation that furnishes them, and diminish the People of the Nation that uses them. Laws therefore that prevent such Importations, and on the contrary promote the Exportation of Manufactures to be consumed in Foreign Countries, may be called with Respect to the People that make them generative Laws , as by increasing Subsistence they encourage Marriage. Such Laws likewise strengthen a Country, doubly, by increasing its own People and diminishing its Neighbours.

Some European Nations prudently refuse to consume the Manufactures of East-India. The greater the common fashionable Expence of any Rank of People, the more cautious they are of Marriage. The great Increase of Offspring in particular Families, is not always owing to greater Fecundity of Nature, but sometimes to Examples of Industry in the Heads, and industrious Education; by which the Children are enabled to provide better for themselves, and their marrying early, is encouraged from the Prospect of good Subsistence. If there be a Sect therefore, in our Nation, that regard Frugality and Industry as religious Duties, and educate their Children therein, more than others commonly do; such Sect must consequently increase more by natural Generation, than any other Sect in Britain.

The Importation of Foreigners into a Country that has as many Inhabitants as the present Employments and Provisions for Subsistence will bear; will be in the End no Increase of People; unless the New Comers have more Industry and Frugality than the Natives, and then they will provide more Subsistence, and increase in the Country; but they will gradually eat the Natives out. Nor is it necessary to bring in Foreigners to fill up any occasional Vacancy in a Country; for such Vacancy if the Laws are good, § 14, 16 will soon be filled by natural Generation. The thinness of Inhabitants in Spain is owing to National Pride and Idleness, and other Causes, rather than to the Expulsion of the Moors, or to the making of new Settlements.

There is in short, no Bound to the prolific Nature of Plants or Animals, but what is made by their crowding and interfering with each others Means of Subsistence. This Million doubling, suppose but once in 25 Years, will in another Century be more than the People of England, and the greatest Number of Englishmen will be on this Side the Water. What an Accession of Power to the British Empire by Sea as well as Land! What Increase of Trade and Navigation! What Numbers of Ships and Seamen! Why should Pennsylvania, founded by the English, become a Colony of Aliens , who will shortly be so numerous as to Germanize us instead of our Anglifying them, and will never adopt our Language or Customs, any more than they can acquire our Complexion.

Which leads me to add one Remark: That the Number of purely white People in the World is proportionably very small. All Africa is black or tawny. Asia chiefly tawny. America exclusive of the new Comers wholly so. And in Europe, the Spaniards, Italians, French, Russians and Swedes, are generally of what we call a swarthy Complexion; as are the Germans also, the Saxons only excepted, who with the English, make the principal Body of White People on the Face of the Earth. I could wish their Numbers were increased. And while we are, as I may call it, Scouring our Planet, by clearing America of Woods, and so making this Side of our Globe reflect a brighter Light to the Eyes of Inhabitants in Mars or Venus, why should we in the Sight of Superior Beings, darken its People?

why increase the Sons of Africa, by Planting them in America, where we have so fair an Opportunity, by excluding all Blacks and Tawneys, of increasing the lovely White and Red? But perhaps I am partial to the Complexion of my Country, for such Kind of Partiality is natural to Mankind. Franklin , p. Lawrence H. Gipson, The British Empire before the American Revolution III Caldwell, Idaho, , — See the letter of Robert Charles, later agent of Pennsylvania in London, to Thomas Lawrence, Feb. See below, pp. Under date of June 17, , below. See below, p. Clarke was a close friend of Perkins, as also of Governor Shirley, who warmly appreciated BF.

Both magazines named BF as the author, which neither the Boston nor London editions of did. The last sentence was omitted from sections 13, 16, 21, and 23 in the magazines. The three exclamatory sentences in section 22 and all of section 24 were also omitted. and Obser. The paragraph is omitted from Exper. In Exper. The Lex Papia Poppaea usually considered with the Lex Julia de maritandis ordinibus allowed mothers of three children to wear the stola as a mark of distinction, exempted them from tutelage, gave them the right to inherit from their children, and conferred other civil rights. Compare above, II , The Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle, The remainder of this section and all the next were omitted from the reprintings of and and from Exper. Lawrence C. Wroth, An American Bookshelf , Phila.

Skip navigation. Go to main content. Benjamin Franklin Papers. Observations Concerning the Increase of Mankind Printed in [William Clarke], Observations On the late and present Conduct of the French, with Regard to their Encroachments upon the British Colonies in North America.

Benjamin Franklin essay,Research on Benjamin Franklin

WebJul 28,  · Essay Summary of Benjamin Franklin., Download. Views The Benjamin Franklin is quintessential American in the American history. The Benjamin Franklin was WebJan 4,  · The “immediate occasion” for writing this essay, according to Van Doren,6 was the British Iron Act of , which prohibited the erection of WebBenjamin Franklin, a man of many talents, helped shape the U.S. Constitution and was a lifetime champion of First Amendment freedoms, particularly freedom of the press WebThe Papers ofBenjamin Franklin Sponsored byThe American Philosophical Societyand Yale University Digital Edition byThe Packard Humanities Institute I agree to use this web site WebArticles and Essays. Timeline A chronology of key events in the life of Benjamin Franklin (), statesman, publisher, scientist, and diplomat. Provenance of the Benjamin Franklin Papers How did Benjamin Franklin's papers come to the Library of ... read more

They make these assum Words: , Pages: 3 Isaac Shelby Isaac Shelby Evan Shelby Sr. Benjamin Franklin-Scientist and Inventor Benjamin Franklin has influenced American technology, and indirectly, lifestyles by using his proficiencies and intelligence to conduct numerous experiments, arrive at theories, and produce several inventions. Let us just say that everybody in the world sleeps eight hours a day, and every one goes to bed at about eleven and gets up around seven but he who wishes t Interested in First Amendment current events? Rubbing the rod formed friction.

The Franklin devoted himself as a leader in the American Revolution for the independence of his nation. He was a political leader, but at the same time he was a scientist also. Asia chiefly tawny. Generally, the length requirements are indicated in your assignment sheet. However, flexibility is important. In the first centuries of the Christian era, benjamin franklin essays, the Christian homes adopted the Jewish model of education. These periods are separated more so by events, than actual time periods, thus the similarities in their content and benjamin franklin essays on the world.

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