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Should condoms be available in high school essay

Should condoms be available in high school essay

Distribution of Condoms in Public High Schools,You May Also Find These Documents Helpful

WebShould Condoms Be Given in Schools Essay Abstinence In School Teens. Many schools teach abstinence as a full proof way to stop the promiscuous behavior and WebJun 15,  · This issue of condoms in schools is a growing concern because of increasing rates of sexual behavior, earlier onset of sexual activity, teenage pregnancy, WebNov 21,  · Making condoms available, without judgment or embarrassment should be creatively done to reach teens on their level. I say creatively because should teens be WebHaving condoms distributed throughout high schools would be a terrible idea. By giving children the opportunity to get condoms in high school it is going against many WebStudents attending the junior high school also have access to condoms; however; counseling is mandatory for these students before they can receive condoms. ... read more

Therefore the right thing to do is offer comprehensive sexual health education to adolescents, so they can be taught the methods used to prevent pregnancies and how to protect…. Not all the female and male adolescents have been using the most effective birth control contraceptives, which is not something that should be happening because there is still a chance of being pregnant and getting an infection or disease. The most effective type of birth control are intrauterine devices which is a device that is places in the uterus to prevent pregnancy. In an article by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention what is being explained is that few teenagers are using the most effective type of birth control, and even though the number of teen births declined there were still about , children being born to teen mothers ages CDC para1.

This is because young female adolescents do not have knowledge available and or ways of getting birth control, which is why it should be available for them there are still many births to teen mothers and there is a way to stop…. This television show touches upon the lives of teenagers after they have conceived a child and discusses how they got pregnant, many times by not using a condom. Condoms and birth control pills fall under the category of contraceptives, items to prevent the spread of disease and pregnancy. Contraceptives are mandatory to prevent unplanned pregnancy and the spread of disease if one participates in sexual activity, but should they be offered in a school setting?

These teenagers will not have been properly educated and these states where there is not mandated sex education or only abstinence-based education will have the he highest teen pregnancy and birth rates among those who do mandate it. Teenagers who break their vow of abstinence are less likely to use contraceptives than those who are taught beyond abstinence. Also, those who pledge abstinence and then break their pledge are not likely to get tested for sexually transmitted diseases. Many sexually active teens are not fully educated on the dangers of unprotected sex.

Instead, they are told that abstinence is the only option for teens. This method of sexual education leads to more teen pregnancy over comprehensive sexual education. In Illinois alone, 22, teenage women between the ages of fifteen and nineteen were pregnant in the year As a student that attended a high school that had the highest pregnancy statistics around, I believe that they should have realized that propagandizing abstinence was not working and instead promote sexual education in a different way. Just to provide an idea of how high the pregnancy outcomes were, in my grade alone there were six pregnancies by our junior year.

I had no idea what possible contraception methods were most affective, where to get them, or how they worked. Knowing how to be safe during sex was out of the question and preventing sexual diseases or STD information was never offered. Because they did not offer this information, I believe that that is why so many students ended up with teenage pregnancies since they were never told where to get condoms or how to talk about sexual activity with their parents or an adult. Home Flashcards Create Flashcards Essays Essay Topics Language and Plagiarism Checks.

Essays Essays FlashCards. Sign in. Flashcard Dashboard Essay Dashboard Essay Settings Sign Out. Home Page The Importance Of Condoms In High Schools. The Importance Of Condoms In High Schools Improved Essays. Open Document. I would often…. The most important reason I want to attend the SCIENCE AND MATH ACADEMY is because the school has a curriculum that will…. Question 1My child has been hardworking and determined in his school work. I hope my child take a short period of time…. It is clear throughout the first half of the novel, Junior is restricted in terms of his life-style.

This is especially the…. Coming up through school myself and my classmates were held to expectations; behaving in class, doing homework, passing tests, and attending school…. Life skills education, often referred to as home economics, is perhaps one of the most valuable classes a high school student can…. The Patel family thanks Serra High School admissions committee for their time and consideration of our son, Jailen Patel. There are many…. Censorship of books is not a new idea. Your professor may flag you for plagiarism if you hand in this sample as your own. Shall we write a brand new paper for you instead? Use code: SAMPLES As Putin continues killing civilians, bombing kindergartens, and threatening WWIII, Ukraine fights for the world's peaceful future.

Read our sample essays and get inspired for your own academic work. Generic selectors. Exact matches only. Search in title. Search in content. Search in excerpt. Search in posts. Search in pages. Condoms do not only prevent pregnancy, but will protect from Sexually Transmitted Diseases STDs and other deadly viruses. Teachers and parents should come together and agree on better ways to inform the students of how they can protect themselves from future harm. One of the concerns of a parent would be that providing the condoms and teaching about them would increase the sexual activity of the student. Therefore, distributing these condoms in high school should follow along with the proper education so students understand why they need to use this protection. Allowing sexual education classes in high school will ensure that students know and understand about sex the right way.

High school teachers should not just give away condoms as a treat. They should definitely come along with a manual. If teachers are allowed to teach the students the right way it would decrease confusion from students and worry from parents. Some parents may worry that their child is too young to know about the topic. Parents have to keep in mind that teachers are trying to prepare students for when they are ready. Again, parents and teachers do not know when the thought of sex crosses the mind of a student. The one thing that they both will know is that the students are well informed of the pros and cons that were taught and a safe contraceptive method was provided. So not only will these courses be beneficial to students that have not yet been sexually active, but it is beneficial to students who already are.

Parents, do you know if your child is already having intercourse? Are you sure that they are protecting themselves? The problem is many parents do not know that this is something there child is doing. lot of parents are even afraid to approach their child about the issue. Allowing the students to attend sex education courses and receive the condom can give a parent a sound mind. Future success would be more likely from high school students who do not get pregnant. If high school students were distributed condoms, it could lower the statistics of teen pregnancy, increase the graduation rate, and result in more college graduates.

Overall, when high school students are given the opportunity to do better and succeed, then they will take that opportunity. Parents of a female student have to think about the consequences of their daughter not using condoms during intercourse. What if she gets pregnant? Not all teen births are first births. Students of that age group are not ready to take on the responsibility of raising a child and it could affect how their future proceeds. Will they graduate? It is possible that students who have a child at that age can graduate but the rates of graduation are decreasing. It is less likely. for a student who does not finish high school to go to college and finish.

Title: Free Condoms and Contraceptives to Highschoolers Thesis Statement: Condoms and contraceptives should be freely given to high school students because of its effectiveness against the risks they face caused by their sexual lifestyle of today. Problem: Should the high school students be given condoms and contraceptives for free? Introduction 1. Sexual lifestyle of teenagers 2. to sexual content and behavior regularly that affect their behavior. Many schools teach abstinence as a full proof way to stop the promiscuous behavior and potential diseases. By providing teens with free condoms on campus these risks will greatly decrease.

For this to happen school administrations and parents must stop being so gullible and realize teens are. For that reason all school should give out free condoms. Each year there are many unwanted babies born, or even worse aborted in this country. Many which are born to young people with little or no education about condom use and sex. With a little education about condom use and safe sex many of these unnecessary pregnancies. Allowing condoms to be distributed in public schools has had much controversy over the years. Many people learn about safe sex, but there are still many unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases floating around.

Some schools across the United States have made it to where students are given condoms in school. On top of other alternatives, such condom distribution programs should be allowed or promoted in public schools to help reduce teen pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases. Sex Education in Public Schools Sex education in public schools here in the United States has, for at least the past decade, supported and utilized abstinence-only sex education. Surveying of Condom Distribution In High School Based on a survey of condoms in High School, I have decided to write about the results and presented as a survey report. The following report is the results from the survey. The following questions were asked; what would it solve by putting condoms in school?

Has it ever been done before? And do you think it will help? During adolescence, teens undergo changes within their bodies. This is the time where they begin to form their own identity. As a result, it leads to experimentation in a vast number of ways. Dress, personality, and drugs are all types of experimentation that teens go through. The most important is sexuality. Decisions being made by teens today are resulting in consequences. school environments, being exposed to positive values, rules and expectations, having spiritual beliefs and a sense of hope for the future.

Mothiba et al 13 state that the only technology available to prevent the sexual transmission of HIV is the condom latex or polyurethane for males and females. This should, therefore, stop scaring the teenagers and parents who advise their children against the birth control measure. However, teenagers may not use the condoms efficiently or fail in following the rules required in the usage of condoms Zafer, Maryam, et al, It indicates that out of one hundred people who use condoms, there is a likely hood that fifteen will get pregnant annually. Condom education. Distribution of Condoms in Public High Schools Coinciding with the onslaught of the new millennium, schools are beginning to realize that the parents are not doing their job when it comes to sexual education.

The school system already has classes on sexual education; these classes are based mainly on human anatomy. Most schools do not teach their students about relationships, morals, respect, self-discipline, self-respect, and most importantly contraceptives. Everyday students engage. The North Carolina Healthy Living Standard Course of study has objectives for growth and development, puberty education, sex education and prevention. Any African American male attending these schools has been educated about HIV causes and prevention. a teenager gets pregnant during their studies, they terminate their studies until they have given birth and hence ready to resume school.

It acts as a limitation scaring many of them who instead prefer to use contraceptives and other birth control methods such as condoms. Teachers and parents should stop pretending that teenagers do not having sex and instead come up with birth control methods like condoms which are one of the surest way to avoid pregnancies. Teenagers want to explore and discover. Abstinence only education should be the only education taught in schools instead of comprehensive education. The most popular ways of teaching about sex are abstinence teachings and comprehensive education. Abstinence education is a better option than comprehensive because it is the only effective way to avoid pregnancy, protects against sexually transmitted diseases, and proves the partner is interested for more.

Introduction Sexually transmitted diseases in the United States are on the rise after several years of decline. Louis city. I ask these questions when writing the brief: 1. Does St. Louis address. unpopular decision, to install condom dispensers in the restrooms. I believe that having condom dispensers in an institute of higher learning is very extreme and that there are other avenues that could address the AIDS crisis. I will go into further detail about these other avenues in this letter. First, I would like to bring up one of the alternatives to the condom dispensers. This would be awareness training for the AIDS crisis.

I think that my fellow students should be given all of the facts about. Essay Topics Writing. Home Page Research Should Condoms Be Given in Schools Essay. Should Condoms Be Given in Schools Essay Decent Essays. Open Document. With a little education about condom use and safe sex many of these unnecessary pregnancies could be prevented. Many parents do not educate their children about sex; therefore the burden usually falls on the schools. Condoms should definitely be readily available in the school system, along with a Sex Education program that includes how and why to use condoms properly. This is so not a perfect world. It makes more sense to educate them about condom and sex, rather than childbirth and infants.

Sexually transmitted diseases are spread during sexual activity. Diseses can even be spread from one person to another unknowingly. The carrier could be unsystematic; no physical signs of illness and unaware that they are infected. The Sexually transmitted disease HIV can lay dormant for years. This is a preventable epidemic. If our schools have the opportunity to teach this information to students about condoms and sex a better effort can go forth to improve the spread of disease. Helping students to understand the importance of sexually healthy lifestyles helps make up overall good health. Pregnancy is always a possibility of sexual activity, another vital reason to have condoms available in the school systems.

Condom use can greatly reduce the chances of an unplanned pregnancy. So now the question of how condoms should be distributed to the students. Should they be right out in the open in restrooms and other common areas? No, proper distribution of condoms is important also. Condoms are used to prevent serious medical conditions. It only makes sense that medical staff should be involved in giving the product to student. This can also ensure that if there. Get Access. Better Essays. Thesis Statement For Condoms And Contraceptives Words 5 Pages. Thesis Statement For Condoms And Contraceptives. Read More. Good Essays.

Abstinence In School Teens Words 6 Pages. Abstinence In School Teens. Persuasive Speech About Sex In School Words 4 Pages. Persuasive Speech About Sex In School. Best Essays. Condom Distribution in Public Schools Essay Words 6 Pages 3 Works Cited. Condom Distribution in Public Schools Essay. Research Paper — Sex Education in Public Schools Words 7 Pages. Research Paper — Sex Education in Public Schools. Decent Essays. Surveying of Condom Distribution in High School Words 4 Pages.

Read our sample essays and get inspired for your own academic work,Essay On Abstinence Education

Web1. Condoms should be available to students free of cost at secondary schools. 2. Condomsshouldbeavailableinunobtrusivelocations,suchas school health clinics, nurses’ Missing: essay WebHaving condoms distributed throughout high schools would be a terrible idea. By giving children the opportunity to get condoms in high school it is going against many WebJul 22,  · Condoms should be distributed to high school students to ensure safety, knowledge, and success. Distributing condoms to high school students can ensure WebHigh school administrators should make condoms available to students to ensure a healthy and positive educational environment. Early pregnancy can lead to an WebJun 15,  · This issue of condoms in schools is a growing concern because of increasing rates of sexual behavior, earlier onset of sexual activity, teenage pregnancy, WebNov 21,  · Making condoms available, without judgment or embarrassment should be creatively done to reach teens on their level. I say creatively because should teens be ... read more

Every year, 19 million new STD cases are reported. The Benefits Of Drug Testing Words 4 Pages. This does not do the students any good because instead of teaching a for an everyday use in the real world, they, the teachers, are trying to teach around the standardized test. The following report is the results from the survey. Should Sex Education Be Taught In Public Schools. Error message.

Allowing condoms to be distributed in public schools has had much controversy over the years. Advocates of either program have strong opinions on having condoms available to students in school. Read More. Essay On Abstinence Education Words 3 Pages. Atlanta: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; While it does not prevent these circumstances one hundred percent, apart from abstinence; it is the smartest and safest way to go. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the average teenager engages in sexual intercourse by the age of seventeen, but do not marry until the mid-twenties citation, should condoms be available in high school essay.

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